How to Make Correcting Entries in Accounting for Your Small Business
A transposition error describes an event where a bookkeeper accidentally reverses two adjacent digits, when recording transactional data. Although this error may seem small in scale, it often results in substantial financial incongruities that can have a great impact in other areas. Transpositional errors, which tend to occur in accounting firms, brokerages, and other financial services providers, fall under the broader category of transcription errors. The best way to correct errors in accounting is to add a correcting entry. A correcting entry is a journal entry used to correct a previous mistake.
For my students, the most commonly transposed numbers are the numbers 12-19. These mistakes with the teen numbers actually reveal the child has a good understanding of the spelling patterns for numbers and words. Mistakes with numbers greater than twenty may indicate that the child needs more place-value practice.
Before employees start entering data, you must train them on why this information is so important and how inaccuracy can negatively affect the business. This basic understanding of the relevance and importance of their position helps employees feel more responsible for the data, improving their overall effectiveness and accuracy. Avoiding errors often comes down to the employees, as they are the ones often making the mistakes. While you have to expect some mistakes now and then, major errors should never be the norm within your company. Fortunately, your business can take some necessary steps to help make sure your employees are equipped to minimize errors on their end.
Although most employees make these mistakes in good faith, their errors can still result in severe consequences for your company. Inaccurate data can take time and resources to correct, and if left uncorrected can lead to lost profits, lost business and even lawsuits. With your company planning strategies around your data, it’s more important than ever to reduce human error in data entry. They can occur in the form of mathematical mistakes in totaling the accounts, wrongly recording revenues as expenses, or leaving out an event from recording. Accounting for errors depends on when they are recovered and if comparative financial statements are being issued.
If the errors have occurred in current period and came to attention before issuing the statements, the companies should correct them in the current year, but restatement is not needed. However, correction of errors from prior period requires companies to make adjustments to the beginning balance of retained earnings in the current period. In addition, if the companies are presenting comparative statements, then they should restate the prior periods’ statements that are affected by the errors.
Accounting Errors: What Is a Transposition Error
What are transposed numbers?
A transposition error is a common accounting error that is caused by substituting two (or more) sequential digits. For example, when a bookkeeper enters the number 56 instead of 65, it is a transposition error. To spot the errors, find the difference between the recorded amount and the correct amount.
All data entries must be classified as assets (items owned) or liabilities (money owed). If an asset is accidentally entered as an expense (a type of liability), then it is said to be classified incorrectly. This error drastically affects the balance sheet and gives an incorrect picture of the business’s financial status.

If a bookkeeper mistakenly writes $24.74 instead of $24.47, the resulting $0.27 discrepancy would hardly be consequential. On the other hand, if $1,823,000 were accidentally recorded as $1,283,000, the resulting $540,000 error is sure to have a profound financial ripple effect. While errors are inevitable, you can minimize their occurrence and their effects on your business by implementing some simple business practices. Below, we’ve outlined how to avoid document input mistakes through managing your employees, as well as how to make data input faster and more efficient through process management. The first study to test the transposed-letter effects was Burner and O’Dowd .
Since accounting errors can disrupt your business, every small business should know the most common types of accounting errors so it’s easier to spot and correct them. Small accounting errors may not affect the final numbers in financial statements. These types of errors require lots of time and resources to find and correct them. Sometimes, mistakes happen in your accounting records that need to be corrected.
- Inaccurate data can take time and resources to correct, and if left uncorrected can lead to lost profits, lost business and even lawsuits.
- Although most employees make these mistakes in good faith, their errors can still result in severe consequences for your company.
What is a transposition error?
Furthermore, transportation errors can result in incorrectly-recorded phone numbers, street addresses, or ZIP codes in customer profiles. And although the aforementioned mistakes are typically easily remedied, in some cases, transposition errors relating to medicinal dosing information may lead to tragic consequences. Even with automation and easy-to-use accounting tools, bookkeeping mistakes can happen.
Examples of Transposition Errors
Human transcription errors are commonly the result of typographical mistakes; putting one’s fingers in the wrong place while touch typing is the easiest way to make this error. For example, in accounting, when a bookkeeper manually enters data into a ledger, he or she may incorrectly transfer information from an invoice into a balance sheet. Transposition errors may also occur when checks are filled out incorrectly, resulting in improper payment amounts that can cause overdrafts and other banking issues.

Transcription and transposition errors may also occur in syntax when computer programming or programming, within variable declarations or coding parameters. This should be checked by proofreading; some syntax errors may also be picked up by the program the author is using to write the code. Unfortunately, this situation is likely to get worse before it gets better, as workload for users and workers using manual direct data entry (DDE) devices increases. A transcription error is a specific type of data entry error that is commonly made by human operators or by optical character recognition (OCR) programs.
They showed participants a word that had a two letter switched either at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word and they had to determine what the English word was. Bruner and O’Dowd found that the error at the beginning created the slowest response time, the end was the next slowest and the middle was the fastest. The conclusion to this data was that the beginning and the end were more important for word recognition than the middle. From there, the transposition letter effect was used to test how people process and recognize words using many tasks. Some accounting errors do not require a correcting entry because they are counterbalanced.
Fortunately, there are many ways to avoid data input errors and promote accuracy among employees. By understanding why manual data entry errors happen and learning ways to avoid them, your company can more efficiently reduce entry errors and enhance data integrity across your enterprise. Getting effective data entry software that can capture documents, automate workflow or assist mobile transactions ensures the data entry does not get overlooked or forgotten. Even with the broad applications of operational automation, many data entry positions are still held by humans.
Unfortunately, wherever a company employs people, there’s the potential for human error, and data entry errors are some of the costliest errors to companies. Data entry tasks tend to be low on the totem pole in terms of business operational priorities. However, data entry is still one of the most critical day-to-day operations for companies across the industry. Everything from customer and sales data to financial information relies heavily on data entry, meaning a single error can have huge ramifications for your company.
If a company fails to catch and correct transposition errors, the incorrect value of assets may be perpetuated to outside agencies and individuals, such as corporate shareholders and the Internal Revenue Service. For example, a business may be saddled with an increased tax liability if the transposition error is large enough to slingshot that company into a higher tax bracket. Of course, this largely depends on the degree of error in question.
Journal entry errors can end up costing your small business time and money. Learn how to get your books back on track with correcting entries. While employees tend to be the primary perpetrators of mistakes, inefficient or redundant processes can be equally to blame. By streamlining your company processes, you can begin reducing human error in data entry.
Continuous monitoring of these reports helps your company identify the success of any improved processes, as well as any additional room for improvement. Monitoring also helps prevent further mistakes and acts as an efficient feedback system for both the company and its employees. As a whole, this continuous cycle of surveillance and improvement can help your business create the most effective and accurate system possible. The first step for avoiding data entry errors is to express to employees how valuable the information is.
A counterbalancing error happens when one mistake cancels out another mistake. The process of data entry is an indispensable part of any organization’s business processes. While human employees have been doing the work for a long time, at the end of the day, the best way to improve input accuracy is to use an automated system. Whenever you change any process, you should never stop monitoring your error reports and error patterns.
How do you identify a transposition error?
A transposition error occurs when an amount is recorded incorrectly as the result of switching the positions of two (or more) digits. The switching of the positions causes a difference (between the recorded amount and the correct amount) that will be evenly divisible by 9.