These can include rent or mortgage payments, depreciation of assets, salaries and payroll, membership and subscription dues, legal fees and accounting costs. Fixed expense amounts stay the same regardless if a business earns more -- or loses more -- ...
He would like to complete his financial forecast for next year and is wondering if he could use the percentage of sales method. A common size income statement is an income statement whereby each line item is expressed as a percentage of revenue or sa...
The percentage of completion method of accounting requires the reporting of revenues and expenses on a period-by-period basis, as determined by the percentage of the contract that has been fulfilled. The current income and expenses are compared with ...
Because they are paid amounts, you increase the expense account. Debit the wages, salaries, and company payroll taxes you paid. As a small business owner, you use payroll journal entries to record payroll expenses in your books....
This is a significant strategic omission, particularly relevant in longer term initiatives. As a result, all corporate financial assessments should discount payback to weigh in the opportunity costs of capital being locked up in the project. The payb...