The dollar value represented by the total current assets figure reflects the company’s cash and liquidity position and allows management to prepare for the necessary arrangements to continue business operations. Current assets are important to busine...
Commonly, it is referred to as the “books” of the company. In the general ledger, record each of the transactions twice as both a subtraction (debit) and addition (credit). The general ledger is the main accounting record of the company. A general le...
However, these journals were more visible in the manual record-keeping days. With the advent of technology, the task of record keeping has been made easy with all the information being stored in a single repository with no specialty journals in use. ...
Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are controlled by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), a nongovernmental entity. The FASB creates specific guidelines that company accountants should follow when compiling and reporting info...
It’s figured by reducing the value of each payment based on a discount factor (typically the current interest rate on short-term U.S. Treasury debt) and the time until the payment occurs. An annuity account is meant to pay you money each month for ei...