BizFilings Share Amendment Filing Service

This valuation is based on several factors, including the sales or fees earned, fair market value of your assets. The person who performs the valuation will inform you of approximate worth of your company.
Authorized shares become issued shares when “issued” or distributed to a stockholder. Shares that are not issued are usually called authorized but UN-issued shares.
The company does not need to issue all the allotted shares and may decide to only issue a percentage of the allotted shares. Shares are then issued to the shareholder(s) by the directors of the company, who are authorised to do so by means of a resolution to that effect.
Upon issuing the share(s), the company, through its authorised directors will provide the shareholder(s) with a share certificate and enter the name and details of the shareholder in the company’s register of members. Once issued, the share certificate is conclusive evidence of ownership, unless proven otherwise and allows the shareholder to exercise their rights as a shareholder. Bonds and loans are debt financing; issuing stock is equity financing.
They should only be able to incorporate a separate fund entity (which doesn’t have rights to the company’s current earnings) to raise new shares at different prices. From the previous example, we know that this company has 1,000 authorized shares.
An increase on the authorized shares of stock has to be formally requested to the state by filing “articles of amendment”. A shareholders’ meeting is ussually required to authorize an increase of the shares since their ownership of the company will be affected due to this change. When you form a corporation, you must list the number of authorized shares of the corporation’s stock and the par value of those shares in the Articles of Incorporation. In order to update this information, Articles of Amendment must be filed with the state of incorporation.
For instance, using outstanding shares to determine earnings per share (EPS) could result in inflated gains, while using authorized shares may drastically offset a realized loss. Investors should have a strong understanding of these underlying terms in order to make correct calculations on a company’s financial stability and performance. Authorized shares are the maximum number of shares a company is allowed to issue to investors, as laid out in its articles of incorporation. Why are companies allowed to create and sell new shares at a price different from the current market price?
How do you determine authorized shares?
Authorized shares are the maximum number of shares a company is allowed to issue to investors, as laid out in its articles of incorporation. Outstanding shares are the actual shares issued or sold to investors from the available number of authorized shares.
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UN-issued shares belong to the corporation and are not considered for shareholders’ ownership percentages. State law specifies that shares of stock in the corporation will be issued under the direction of the board of directors.

Authorized Shares
Shares that are issued or sold to investors from the available number of authorized shares are known as outstanding shares. The number of outstanding shares is set by the investment bank that implements a company’s initial public offering (IPO), but the number can change. A secondary stock market offering can increase the number of outstanding shares, as can payment of employee stock options. Outstanding shares decrease when a company repurchases its own stock. The total number of outstanding shares cannot be greater than the total number of authorized shares as laid out in a company’s articles of incorporation.
Authorized shares, (also known as authorized stock or authorized capital stock), are defined as the maximum number of shares that a company is legally allowed to issue to investors, as per its own determinations. The maximum number is established in a company’s legal formation documents, known as the articles of incorporation. Taxes and fees play a role in deciding the amount of stocks authorized.
- Shares that are issued or sold to investors from the available number of authorized shares are known as outstanding shares.
- A secondary stock market offering can increase the number of outstanding shares, as can payment of employee stock options.
Rather than paying back a large loan and making interest payments, companies issue stock. The first time a company sells stock on the market is the IPO, or initial public offering. Shareholders buy stocks in hopes that they can sell them for more than the purchase price and make a profit. Capital stock is the number of common and preferred shares that a company is authorized to issue, and is recorded in shareholders’ equity. For investors, understanding the difference between authorized and outstanding shares allows for more accurate calculations of financial ratios.
You then would make the decision to either sell the assets of the company or the stock of the company. All companies, even the publicly traded ones have a par value on their shares which is much lower than the current valuation of the stock.
The creation of shares takes place, initially, during the registration process and is reflected on the incorporation certificate, available from the Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission (CIPC). All companies must have at least one share, and thus, at least one shareholder, in order to be validly incorporated as a private company. It is usual to have shares allocated, although there is no limit to the number of shares that a private company can allocate in its MOI. After registration, if the company is a newly registered entity, the shares will be ‘issued’ to the shareholder(s).
Update the number of authorized shares or par value of your corporation’s stock with the state.
This number represents all the shares that can be bought and sold by the public, as well as all the restricted shares that require special permission before being transacted. As we already explained, shares that can be freely bought and sold by public investors are called the float.
If it offered 300 shares in an IPO, gave 150 to the executives, and retained 550 in the treasury, then the number of shares outstanding would be 450 shares (300 float shares + 150 restricted shares). When you go to sell your company you need to have someone value it for you, usually a CPA, or you can value it yourself based on how much you feel that it is worth.
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The number of outstanding shares can fluctuate in other ways as well. In addition to the stocks they issue to investors and executives, many companies offer stock options and warrants. These are instruments that give the holder a right to purchase more stock from the company’s treasury. Every time one of these instruments is activated, the float and shares outstanding increase while the number of treasury stocks decreases. If all these warrants are activated, then XYZ will have to sell 100 shares from its treasury to the warrant holders.
Authorized shares refer to the largest number of shares that a single corporation can issue. The number of authorized shares per company is assessed at the company’s creation and can only be increased or decreased through a vote by the shareholders. If at the time of incorporation the documents state that 100 shares are authorized, then only 100 shares can be issued.
For a company that does not have an authorized shares restriction, the articles of incorporation may authorize one share or millions of shares. CEOs and directors of many small companies earn stock options as part (or all) of their compensation. Outside investors consider a significant investment in the company a sign of good faith; federal law requires disclosure of these “insider” holdings in a market-listed company. When a CEO or other officer buys or sells stock, that activity is reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission on a 10-Q form and available to the public through the SEC’s Edgar database.
This value changes depending on whether the company wishes to repurchase shares from the market or sell out more of its authorized shares from within its treasury. Because a corporation’s Articles of Incorporation include the number of authorized shares and par value of those shares, a share amendment must be filed with the state in order to change this information. Understanding stock market terminology allows investors to make appropriate, intelligent decisions. As it relates to company stocks, knowing the difference between authorized shares and outstanding shares is relevant in accurately calculating important ratios that speak to the financial stability of a company.
Delaware asks business owners to disclose how many authorized shares the company needs at formation to figure franchise fees. A business has to pay taxes on stocks issued as gifts or stock options. The amount of shares you want to give away is a factor in deciding a total number to authorize. Speak with a tax professional or tax attorney for more information on your state’s fees and taxes. Not to be confused with authorized shares, outstanding shares refer to the number of stocks that a company has issued.
A chief executive may be the majority shareholder in the company, but in a public corporation of any size, normally is not. Large companies have market capitalizations (total share value) in the hundreds of billions.
Their investors may include large institutions, mutual funds, pension funds, hedge funds and banks, all of which have sufficient financial resources to hold big blocks of shares. The smaller the company, the more likely that the CEO will be the majority shareholder or — in many cases — the only one. If an employee of a company receives “free” shares, for example, if you make a gift of shares to your son who works in the family business, an income tax charge could arise on the market value of the shares gifted. However, if it can be demonstrated that the transfer of shares is for reasons of family or personal relations, the income tax charge may not apply. AUTHORISED AND ISSUED SHARES Every company has an authorised share capital, which refers to the number of shares authorised and ‘created’ by the Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI).