Adam Hill

Adam Hill started accounting and trading back in 2007. He has achieved quite a lot of success. Now he decided to open his blog. Here he publishes articles on accounting. For any questions of interest, please contact us by e-mail:
Finding Your True Cost of Goods Manufactured
Cost of goods available for sale

Cost of goods available for sale

SG&A includes nearly everything that isn't included incost of goods sold(COGS). Interest expense is one of the notable expenses not in SG&A and is listed as a separate line item on the income statement. OPEX are not included incost of goods s...
Cost of equity

Cost of equity

The cost of equity concept is very important when it comes to valuing shares on the stock market. Equity, like all other investment classes expects a compensation to be paid to its investors. The problem however is that unlike debt and other classes ...
Project Cost Control

Project Cost Control

In some accounting systems, cost drivers are almost irrelevant in determining the contribution. A fundamental difference between traditional costing and ABC costing is that ABC methods expand the number of indirect cost pools that can be allocated to...
Four Steps to Calculating Process Costs