Adam Hill

Adam Hill started accounting and trading back in 2007. He has achieved quite a lot of success. Now he decided to open his blog. Here he publishes articles on accounting. For any questions of interest, please contact us by e-mail:
What is a Credit Memo?

What is a Credit Memo?

The debit memo is usually issued in the same format used for an invoice. When issued, debit memos typically appear on the monthly statements of outstanding accounts receivable that are sent to customers....
Commercial Credit Definition

Commercial Credit Definition

Each credit card application typically knocks a few points off your score. You don’t want to risk lowering your score, even a little, when it could increase the cost of your mortgage. Even a slight increase in your home loan rate can cost you thousan...
Understanding Variable Cost vs. Fixed Cost
Cost driver

Cost driver

If the cost of labor is high, this will increase the cost of producing all company products or services. If the cost of warehousing is high, this will also increase the expenses incurred for product manufacturing or providing services. Product costin...
Competitive Pricing Definition

Competitive Pricing Definition

Cost-plus pricing is a method used by companies to maximize their profits. There are several varieties, but the common thread is that one first calculates the cost of the product, then adds a proportion of it as markup. Basically, this approach sets ...